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                Welcome to Shenzhen Angel Drinking Water Equipment Co., Ltd.!National Service Hotline:0086-755-83995889中文 | English


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                  Address: Shenzhen City Xixiang Hok Chau Hang Fung Industrial City, the fourth floor C4




                Mini and normal water dispenser

                Fashinable Mini water dispenser CYH-1206

                • Product Description
                • 1.European fashinable lifestyle.
                  2.Specifically designed for high-end small bucket of water
                  3.30seconds for heating
                  4.Multiple choose for temperature, normal temperture, 55℃ for milk, 85℃ for tea or coffee, boiled temperature for black tea or Pu er tea
                  5.Specifically design children lock for the safety of children
                  6.Single heat, avoid repeated heating, smart design
                  7.Provide two chooses of water outlet, one is 100ml water outlet, the other is 200ml water outlet as long as you press the button.
                • 0
                Product Details

                Instant hot water dispenser with three water temperatures & two water volumes CYH-1206

                1. Hot water dispenser comes with three water conditions: room temperature, 55 degree Centigrade (for baby formula), 85 degree Centigrade (for coffee) and boiling water.
                2. Two water volumes for choice: 150ml and 300ml, water output stops automatically.
                3. Boils water in 40 seconds.
                4. Child proof lock is applied for the hot water dispenser, it will keep children from potential harm.
                5. Humanization design, the water dispenser tap is vertically variable according to the height of cup.
                6. Four programs for dry boiling protection.
                7. Rubber suckers on the bottom of the hot water dispenser will ensure it stand stably.
                8. Applied to bottled water and purified water.

                Technical specifications:
                1. G.W.: 2.8kg, N.W.: 2.4kg
                2. Hot water dispenser size(LxWxH): 426x277x425mm
                3. Power consumption: 2200W

                Dimensions, packing and container load:
                1. 1) Product dimensions: 426x277x425mm
                2) Package dimensions: 446x568x453mm (Master carton)
                2. Packed in printed box and master carton. One hot water dispenser to a box, 2 boxes to a carton.
                3. 20'GP: 546 units, 40'GP: 1128 units, 40'HQ: 1284 units.

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