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                Welcome to Shenzhen Angel Drinking Water Equipment Co., Ltd.!National Service Hotline:0086-755-83995889中文 | English


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                  Address: Shenzhen City Xixiang Hok Chau Hang Fung Industrial City, the fourth floor C4




                Mini and normal water dispenser

                Mini water dispenser CYH- 1201

                • Product Description

                • 1.European fashinable design and patent.
                  2.Made of  high quality materials, no deterioriation forever.
                  3.International advanced mutiple anti-bacteria technology
                  4.Carbon green, environmental friendly, accord with "American Energy Star"
                  5.Artifical intellegence controlled operation
                  6.Negitive ions function, not only provide good quality clean water but also clean air.
                  7.Single heat, avoid repeated heating.
                • 0
                Product Details
                1. Desktop water dispenser with ionizer to make air fresh.

                2. Electronic water output control.
                3. Energy efficient water dispenser to boil one tank of water for one time instead of circular heating, which will also avoid potential unhealthy effect caused by reboiled water.
                4. Food grade materials are adopted for reservoir, tank, tube, tap and color master batches.
                5.2.4mm ABS water dispenser panel is durable.
                6. Flame resistant PEF thermal insulation is up to 12mm.
                7. Dispenses hot and room temperature water.
                8. Portable design for space saving and convenient moving.
                9. Rubber suckers on the bottom of the water dispenser can ensure it stand stably.
                10. Holds two to six liter water bottles.
                11. Standby power of the water dispenser is less than 0.5W, only one kilowatt-hour every three months.
                12. Two thermostats for dry boiling protection.

                Technical specifications:

                1. G. W.: 2.4kg, N. W.: 1.9kg
                2. Water dispenser size(LxWxH): 220X200X280mm
                3. Heating power: 500W
                4. Standby power: 0.5W
                5. Hot water: >90 degree Centigrade

                Dimensions, packing and container load:
                1.Product dimensions: 220X200X280mm
                Package dimensions: 262X262X330mm (Printed box)
                2. Packed in printed box and master carton, one desktop water dispenser to a box, 4 boxes to a carton.
                3.20'GP: 1192 units, 40'GP: 2496 units, 40'HQ: 2796 units.

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