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                Welcome to Shenzhen Angel Drinking Water Equipment Co., Ltd.!National Service Hotline:0086-755-83995889中文 | English

                About Us

                • Service Hotline


                • Contact us

                  Address: Shenzhen City Xixiang Hok Chau Hang Fung Industrial City, the fourth floor C4





                Current Location:Home - About Us - Job

                Director of Sales

                Job Responsibilities:
                1, the development of large customers, maintaining large customers;
                2, will assume the customer is responsible for product sales tasks;
                3, responsible for the sales activities served as customer-specific project planning and implementation of sales targets;
                4, to assist the person in charge of the market now to undertake part of the new customer development work;
                5. Maintain and enhance existing customer relationships; and to assist the responsible person to undertake now to market some large customer maintenance work;
                6, complete part of the technical support, and customer and technical exchanges;
                7, responsible for collecting market and industry information, deepen understanding.

                Financial Accounting

                Job Responsibilities :
                1, responsible for overall accounting treatment.
                2, the company responsible for checking accounts payable and other types of transactions accounts, cost accounting, the company issued needs of the various financial statements.
                3, responsible for corporate tax returns, issuing various types of invoices, tax planning.
                4, responsible for approving the company's various expenses, the strict implementation of the relevant payments required by the company, reimbursement system, there is a strong executive power.
                5, responsible for all kinds of original documents, books binding, archiving.
                6, complete the company's other administrative work arrangements, such as conference scheduling, human resources management and procurement management.

                Site artists

                1, between the ages of 22-30 years old, college education, art and design majors preferred;
                2, with more than two years of art, graphic design or web design experience;
                3, proficient in Photoshop, Dreamweaver and other popular web design tools, a better understanding of visual effects;
                4, familiar color combinations, color management, image editing and simple photography;
                5, has a profound knowledge of art and a good idea in the ability to have a profound grasp of the intensity of color, unique sense of creativity and innovation point of view, it is possible to accurately grasp the overall style and visual representation site;
                6, familiar with html, div + css, javescript and other front-end code may give priority to
                7, have good communication skills and ability to comprehend, a strong sense of teamwork, serious;
                8, proactive work, patience and sense of responsibility, can efficient, independent and complete the task;