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                Welcome to Shenzhen Angel Drinking Water Equipment Co., Ltd.!National Service Hotline:0086-755-83995889中文 | English

                A full range of agency services support
                Perfect market protection system
                Excellent agent incentives
                Improve the quality assurance
                Corporate brand image support
                Powerful support


                "Professionalism, innovation, integrity," is our foothold in this,
                Loyalty look forward to sessions with the community people with
                lofty ideals happy cooperation, and jointly create a new life healthy drinking water.

                Shenzhen Angel Drinking Water Equipment Co .,Ltd. , is a professional leading water dispenser and water purifier manufacturer, entirely dedicated to providing the perfect quality device to supply chilling or hot drinking water at your fingertips.Due to our innovative design, uncompromising quality and systemically after sales service ,now we are the unparalleled leading water dispenser manufacturer in China , covering up more than 60% of the whole market share, our brand is so known to all the Chinese household that when people say "angel" , they are just talking about our water dispensers., meanwhile ,it goes all around the world ,earning world wide recognition .

                Today, its monthly production capacity has exceeded 500 thousand pieces. Among them, the majority of models of water dispenser/cooler are under applying for "UL Approval",8 series of water dispensers/coolers had got "CE" Approvals 5 years ago. And our products have won enormous fame in both the domestic and overseas markets for exclusive service and high-quality products and by founding firm trade relationships with nearly 30 countries and territories throughout the world, including U.S.A, Canada, Mexico, Ecuador, Agentina, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, HK, Thailand, Brunei, Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Oman, Jordan, U.A.E, Yemen, Israel, France, Poland, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Ukraine, Russia etc.